It was hard to believe our long-awaited Oregon adventure was nearly over, but we had one final evening to spend with our friends before we headed back home, and we still had two “Bucket List” items to check off of our list. First, a taste of warm-from-the-oven Grape Pie, and then a slow drive up and down Main Street, or as it’s known in McMinnville, Dragging The Gut with our friends.
First…that grape pie!
One of the true highlights of our Oregon trip was an afternoon wine tasting at Bells Up Winery. (You can read all about our amazing visit right here.) We were thrilled when winery owners Sara and David Specter gifted us with a frozen pie/crisp to take with us when we left. I took the dessert to our friend’s home and popped it in the oven, using Sara’s handwritten directions to guide me.
I had never before tasted a grape pie or crisp, as Sara called it. I couldn’t wait to try it, so into the oven it went.
And the result? I think this photo says it all…
It was absolutely DIVINE! What a sweet reminder of our new friends and their award winning wines at Bells Up Winery. I’ll never forget that wonderful day…
And after every bite of that luscious dessert was gone, we were ready to head downtown. But before we left, Rick and Candy presented us with a surprise gift. It was a basket filled with All Things Oregon! What an unexpected treasure from two people who mean so much to us!
That basket was overflowing with items made in and around Yamhill County! And speaking of Yamhill County, Mayor Rick will be wearing a larger hat in the new year. He will be stepping down as mayor of McMinnville…but he’s a newly-elected Yamill County Commissioner. (Some people just can’t seem to retire!) I’m guessing City Hall just won’t be the same without Mayor Olson and First Lady Candy!
So after bear hugs and big thanks for the wonderful gift, we all piled into our convertible and we headed downtown. You see, we had timed our Oregon trip to allow Peepaw and Rick to relive a pastime they enjoyed together almost 45 years ago…”dragging the gut” on 3rd Street! That “ancient” tradition has been resurrected in McMinnville for an annual Dragging The Gut Festival event celebrated in late August, and that grass roots event has become a HUGE deal!
For Dear Readers too young to remember those carefree days, cruising the main streets of small town America was the preferred pastime for the youth of yesteryear. Kids would simply pile in someone’s car and they would drive up and down the street, looking at OTHER kids who were in other cars doing the same thing. It was a game of “see and be seen”. No rhyme or reason to it…just driving up and down. And when the kids saw someone they wanted to talk to, there was always one certain parking lot where cars would congregate and kids would get out out and talk. No video games or cell phones needed. (Ahh…those WERE the days…)
So come along with us…and let’s drag the gut!
This event grows bigger every year, and the number of antique cars is amazing to see…
Folks line 3rd Street for blocks to watch…and there are literally HUNDREDS of cars to see!
Surf’s Up!
We had a great time!
And so did many others in the “parade”…
But when we saw the luggage on top of this station wagon it reminded us of our early start for home the next morning…
So we headed into that “throwback” bar and grill…The Blue Moon…
Where we dined on some less-than-healthy throwback delicacies.
We started with Potato Skins… (No “Judgy-Eyes” please!)
And what else would these “old” teenagers order? A burger and fries, of course!
And as our meal (and our diets!) came to an end…so did our amazing time spent with the best friends and tour guides we could ever ask for. So we said goodnight, gave them one last hug, and we headed back tour our cottage for some much needed shut eye before our early morning start on the long drive home.
And all those memories?
They’ll last a lifetime…for all of us.
Loved seeing the parade!! and all else!!
Thanks Linda! We had a ball!