A dishpan full of cookie dough? Allow me to explain.
It may surprise you to know that baking is NOT my favorite activity. (I would much rather cook than bake.) So when I decide to make cookies I refuse to use a recipe that makes only a dozen or two. If I’m making a mess in the kitchen I want the final product to make that mess worthwhile! I got the urge to bake in order to try out my new thrift store bargain cookie sheets, so I pulled out my huge “Amish store dishpan” and I got to work.
I found this cookie recipe in one of Mom’s old cookbooks. And it warmed my heart to see the names of the women who submitted this recipe for publication. Carol was the wife of Peepaw’s high school basketball coach. And June was one of Mom’s best friends. In fact, I found this old photo as I was composing this blog post so I decided to share it with you.
That’s Aunt Pauline, Belle, Carol and June at one of their monthly “card parties” held in each other’s homes. (And believe it or not, Belle was the telephone operator in town. Yup. She really was a telephone operator…named Belle!)
I absolutely loved those card parties, especially when Mom was the hostess at our house. She would let me pick flowers to decorate the tables. And I remember arranging the “score cards” on a pretty plate. Then I would make the rounds to pass them out to the eight ladies in attendance. There were even prizes for the high and the low scores for the evening. And the laughter around those tables was music to my ears.
After the card games were over, Mom would pour the coffee and unveil some incredible, decadent dessert she had prepared. Those memories are as vivid for me today as they were sixty years ago! Mom was the perfect hostess, and she was blessed with many wonderful friends. God bless them all! Such awesome memories…
But now back to those cookies. This recipe makes a HUGE batch, so you do need a dishpan or a big mixing bowl to make them. But it’s worth it. Trust me.
First, dump in two cups of firmly packed brown sugar.
Then add two cups of quick oatmeal.
Add one teaspoon of salt.
Next, add two teaspoons of baking powder.
Next, add two cups of white sugar.
Then dump in two cups of coconut.
Then add five cups of flour. (Yes…five cups! You’re making dishpan cookies, remember??)
Then add two teaspoons of baking soda.
Mix those dry ingredients together until well blended. Then add the “wet” ingredients starting with four eggs that you’ve beaten with a fork.
Next comes two teaspoons of good quality vanilla. (I buy a quart of pure vanilla at the Stringtown Amish store near Kalona.) I actually add a little more than two teaspoons since I love the flavor!
Then melt four sticks (that’s two cups) of butter. I only use unsalted butter so I can control the salt in recipes and cooking. Add it all to the dishpan.
Then MIX! You can use your hands or a sturdy rubber spatula.
And THIS is what you’ll end up with.
Now…let me tell you about my Salvation Army “score” that started this whole cookie baking project. I found two brand new deluxe, heavy duty Wilton cookie sheets at the local store. For ninety-five cents each! I absolutely LOVE to scour the aisles of thrift stores for kitchen items like that!
I rolled the cookie dough into small balls and then flattened them slightly with a fork.
They looked good enough to eat even before I baked them!
The recipe says bake for ten minutes and remove from the oven even though the tops of the cookies will still be very soft.
I let them “rest” for about sixty seconds before I quickly slid them onto cooling racks.
And just how many cookies did this dishpan recipe yield? Let’s just say that recipe from June and Carol made enough to make that baking event worthwhile!
Yup…those ninety five cent cookie sheets were a real bargain. And an ice cold glass of whole milk and a couple of those cookies were my perfect reward for my afternoon of baking!

Chewy Coconut Oatmeal Dishpan Cookies
- 2 Cups Brown Sugar
- 2 Cups Quick Cooking Oatmeal
- 1 tsp. Salt
- 2 tsp. Baking Powder
- 2 Cups White Sugar
- 2 Cups Sweetened Coconut
- 5 Cups Flour
- 2 tsp. Baking Soda
- 4 Eggs, Beaten
- 2 tsp. Pure Vanilla
- 4 sticks Butter (melted)
In a very large bowl or dishpan combine all dry ingredients. (Brown sugar, quick oatmeal, salt, baking powder, white sugar, coconut, flour and baking soda.) Then add the wet ingredients, (The beaten eggs, vanilla and the melted butter.) Mix well with hands or with a sturdy rubber spatula. Roll into small balls and flatten with a fork. Place on middle and top racks in the oven. Bake at 350 degrees for ten minutes. If baking multiple pans rotate pans after five minutes. Watch carefully! When bottom is browned remove from the oven, The top of cookies may still be mushy. Remove from cookie sheets and allow to cool on wire racks. Makes about 120 cookies!
Love that picture of you, milk and a heap of cookies!
Thanks Patricia. Icy cold milk and cookies…what’s not to love??
I have a old fashion sugar cookie recipe I’d love for it to get out there it makes 6doz large cookies an everyone loves them I make them in big Amish dish pan also they r so good lol bag of sugar bag of flour qt of buttermilk let me know if I’d like the recipe I’d love to share
Good Morning Linda! Feel free to email me the recipe at meemaw@meemaweats.com and I will check it out! Thanks for sharing!
Old fashioned sugar cookies 4# sugar 8cups 4 cups crisco cream those together add 8 eggs 5# flour 15cups I use king Arthur’s 4 teaspoon soda 1 1/2 teaspoons salt sift those together add alternately with 1qt buttermilk mix 2 teaspoons cream of tarter in till dissolve then add 4 teaspoons vanilla mix with big rubber spatula in 3 gal bowl the dough will be very sticky take about 1/4 out onto rolling board use generous amount of flour work in to make a soft rollable dough roll out 1/3 or 1/2 inch thick cut with large round cookie cutter sprinkle sugar on top an bake 350 for 15 to 17 min ok now I use a mixer to mix up hand mixer till get to thick then I use spoon I do not roll them out I divide the soft dough into 6 amounts then Put on wax paper an wrap put in bags an freeze stays kinda soft cuz of crisco so then u can bag as much as u want at one time each 1/6 makes 1 dozen large cookies u can freeze about 3 months I divid into 12 ball then flatten into a disc bake 6 at a time on parchment line cookie sheet I do 17 min these r so good like a lot by men they seem to really like them but woman do too !’ Please try these an pass it on I love sharing something so good ..
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your family recipe!! (We’ve had company for the past week and I’ve been away from my blog while we enjoyed family time with my big brother and his wonderful wife!) I’m looking forward to trying your recipe!!
I’m not understanding Linda Zirkles sugar cookie recipe!? 4# and 5# ? What does that mean? Is it 8 cups sugar 4 cups crisco 15 cups flour ect…? Right? I get the ingredients just confused of 4#5#! Work for a school so big batch recipes are necessity for me. Thanks for sharing with us.
I just replied to Linda to ask her to recheck and clarify her ingredients. I’m assuming 4# and 5# means pounds. I hope she will clarify for all of us. Thanks for your question.
Hi Linda! Please take a minute to recheck the ingredients in your recipe. and please remove abbreviations. I have reders from all around the world and many folks don’t know what a # means in a recipe. Thanks again and I look forward to seeing your adjusted recipe amounts.
Sounds good. Can you e-mail to me? Thx
Sorry Vicki! You’ll need to download from my site. I hope you like those cookies!
I would love your Amish sugar cookie recipe. I have one passed down from my Grandma that has lemon rind ini it that is delicious but try many others
Hi Laura! I don’t specialize in Amish recipes but I do have a cookie recipe from our Amish friend Katie on my blog. It’s called Katie’s Amish Buttermilk Cookies. (They are delicious!) I hope you like them too!
Please send your recipe for the sugar cookies
You can find my rolled sugar cookie recipe on my website. and an easy way to find any of my recipes is to just Google them. For example just Google Meemaw Eats Sugar Cookies. You’ll find several variations of sugar cookies there. Enjoy!
Would love your sugar cookie recipe. Thank you
I’d love to receive your receipt.
Have posted it on Pinterest?
The recipe is right here on my website. Just scroll to the bottom of the post.
Oh I would love that recipe
Thanks Debra! I hope you love the cookies!
I’d love your sugar cookie recipe!!
That sounds like a good old country cookie recipe. I’d love to have the recipe written down.
Thanks Mary Alice! If you scroll to the bottom of the post you’ll find the recipe in an easy to read format. Happy baking!!
Those look so chewy and yummy! I’m wondering about adding chocolate chips and sliced almonds.
Thanks Elizabeth! I think you’ll love them. And what’s not to love about chocolate chips and almonds. Go for it!!! 🙂
Saved the recipe! Looks really good. And those cookie pans are unusual!
Thanks Laura! The pans are definitely unique…and I think you’ll LOVE your very own mountain of cookies! (They freeze well too.)
The cookie pans are actually muffin top pans! I only say this so others know what to look for! Great use as a cookie pan, keeping them in nice, rounded form and not running into each other!
LOL! Yes Tara! You’re not the first person to tell me! And I appreciate you! I need to go into that post and update it so all of my Readers won’t be struggling to figure it out. Thanks again, and Happy Baking!!
Those are muffin top pans. Clever way to use them!
LOL! Thanks Lori! You’re not the first person who shared that info with me! But thanks for taking the time to comment! 🙂 The pans worked perfectly to make round uniform cookies! I loved the way they turned out! Make a batch for yourself…and ENJOY!
Is Belle in the picture Grandma Miller’s friend Belle Davis?
No…This was Belle Gingerich…or maybe they spelled itn Guengerich 🙂
The picture of this ladies brings back memories! I think I remember where each of them lived! Yowza I’m old!!
LOL! Thanks Judy! And no…we’re only as old as we feel. And most days I’m still feeling pretty spry! 🙂
Four stick of butter is 2 cups. Does the recipe need 4?
Yes Carmen…I’m so sorry I wrote it incorrectly the first time! Four sticks is correct…and that’s TWO CUPS of butter! The PHOTO shows the correct amount. Thank you so much for catching that. I’m changing it right now! 🙂
Hi MeeMaw!
Your recipe says 4 sticks of melted butter, but up in your instructions it says 1 cup, 4 sticks of butter, melted. I thought each stick was 1/2 cup of butter, which would make 2 cups. I was wondering if you meant 1 pound of butter instead of one cup? Or the 1 cup was supposed to be 2 cups. I want to make these and I don’t want them to come out wrong. I love and enjoy your recipes so much! You are my favorite go to blogger when I am looking for something good to make!
LOL! Thank you SO MUCH for your comments Patricia! And I just sat down to change the error right before I read your comment!! 🙂
It is actually four sticks of butter…and that is TWO CUPS. Duh!!! Not sure what planet I was on when I wrote the original post! I’m changing it right now! You made my heart SING to hear how much you like my blog. I am indebted to you and to all of my loyal readers! Thanks again for catching my mistake!!!
I am anxious to try the oatmeal cookies. They look wonderful. Thank you so much for the photo of the card players. Belle is my Auntie Belle Guengerich. Yes, that is how they spelled their last name. She was a sister of my Grandpa Strickler but we always called her and her sister Vera the Auntie’s. They did not have children of their own and we loved our visits with them because they loved to spoil us. What wonderful memories we have of them.
Love, love your blogs. Good to see you today.
Thank you SO MUCH for your comments Sandy! Those memories of our childhood are still vivid for ALL of us! We were blessed to be raised in such a loving and nurturing environment…right her in the Heartland!
This looks just like my grandma’s recipe that we loved as kids! My grandkids love them and they do freeze very well. I usually make a double or triple batch. I can just taste them now, my favorite cookie!
Thanks for your comment Kathy! And thanks for the reminder that these cookies freeze so well. I think that’s important since the recipe makes such a HUGE batch! Keep making those memories with your grandkids in YOUR kitchen. They are priceless, aren’t they?!
I have those pans, but wasn’t lucky enough to get them for such a low price. What a score.
But they are actually muffin top pans, and I used the a lot to make a flat roll, something on the order of a hamburger bun. These cookies look heavenly and I plan to try them. I’m with you on recipes that only make 2-3 doz, why bother when they go so quickly. I enjoyed your blog.
LOL Gayle! Thanks for letting me know about my “cookie” sheets! 🙂 I will tell you those pans make perfectly round cookies! But no matter HOW you bake them…these cookies are delish. Especially with an icy cold glass of milk!
Just read your dishpan cookie blog…. I think the pans you scored are called muffin top pans for people who like the muffin tops better than the whole muffins. What’s not to love, right?
In the same vein of thought my deceased mother-in-law used to make delicious sugar cookies in two dishpans. One pan held wet ingredients and the other one held dry. She would take a small scoop of each pan and gently work them together and drop them onto the baking sheet . They were wonderful and I regret that I never got the recipe.
LOL! Thanks Evei for setting me straight on my “cookie” sheets! 🙂 And thank you for sharing your family story with me! I’m so sorry you didn’t get that recipe. It sounds like a unique way to combine ingredients…and I bet the finished product was delicious. That’s one of the main reasons I started writing my blog almost ten years ago! I wanted my mom’s and my recipes and my childhood stories to live on for future generations. I think we all have memories of dishes we enjoyed as children that we don’t know how to recreate…a sad fact. Thanks again for your comments!
Thanks for the recipe. I’m gonna make half your way and other half I’m gonna add dark chocolate chips. Can not wait to try.
Now.. About that pan. I have never seen one. Any idea who sells them? Do you need same cook time if using flat sheet?
Thanks for your comments Diane! Turns out some of my Dear Readers have told me these pans are actually called “muffin top” pans…for folks who only like the tops of muffins! 🙂 Who knew??? LOL! But they work PERFECTLY to make round cookies! (They are Wilton brand.)Baking time was the same. They are quite heavy duty baking sheets and I will use them for many baking projects. And for 95 cents each…what’s not to love??? LOL! Your addition of chocolate chips sounds delish…and I may make a batch using part butter and part coconut oil next time since I love the flavor of coconut. Keep me posted on how yours turn out! And thanks again for your comments!
They are called muffin top pans and you can order on amazon!
Thanks Susan! I finally figured that out! But the price I paid in that thrift store made them even more exciting to me! (To say I’m a frugal shopper is putting it mildly!) 🙂 Enjoy my recipes and thanks again for your comment!
After I saw this, I knew I had to try these. I had to wait till I could get to the store and get some coconut. I made a half batch using my kitchen aid mixer. I started with following the recipe and then decided to add chopped pecans. I wanted to add chocolate chips but didn’t have any. These are so good! I like it with the pecans even better! My grandchildren are really enjoying them too! So glad you found this recipe.
I’m so glad you liked them! And as with any recipe…don’t be afraid to experiment with additional tasty ingredients! After all…a recipe is just a blueprint in my opinion. Make it your own…and pass it down to the NEXT generation…like I did! ENJOY! 🙂
Nearly didn’t make these cookies today because of the comments – I ALWAYS read the comments first to see if the recipe worked as written or it needed tweaks of some kind…..all the comments above and only ONE person made this recipe?????? I got brave and decided to give it a shot. I cut the recipe in half – empty nesters don’t need 10 dz cookies lol. I was short on time so i used my big scoop (about 1/4 cup size) and still got 24 HUGE cookies! They really taste great and I’m sure they won’t last long!
LOL! Good Morning Jane…Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I’m so glad you liked those big cookies! And FYI…even though we are empty nesters I always make the full batch of those cookies since they do freeze beautifully. I hope you’ll try more of my recipes and I look forward to hearing from you again!
cookies look good! Am going to try it this week ! Just thought you would like to know that those are “muffin-top” pans … I use a easy banana bread recipe and end up with 12 “muffin tops” portion control and ..oh so good
Thanks again for your information Susan! I may try some other recipes in those pans when we head back to my Heartland kitchen after our Snowbird winter. And please let me know how you like the cookies! FYI…don’t be afraid to make a full batch since they freeze beautifully. 🙂 I even love to eat them right out of the freezer!
What has happened to u there r no new post from u in some time ?? Have u tried my old fashioned sugar cookies ??
Hi Linda! Thank you SO MUCH for your comments…AND your recipe! I have been faced with both laptop and internet problems FOR MONTHS…but I am hopeful that both issues have now FINALLY been solved! We recently returned from a trip out East and I’m busy creating new blog posts about those adventures now. But I promise to whip up a batch of your cookies one day soon. Take care and thanks again!
What a great recipe! I added raisins to the last amount and they are delicious as well
Thanks Bonnie! I’m glad you liked the recipe…and I’m happy you made it your own by adding raisins! Recipes are just a starting point for me. 🙂
Can you use old fashioned oatmeal instead of the quick oatmeal. Can’t wait to make these. I have 2 bags sweetened coconut on the shel and bag of old fashioned..like your site. Will be on more often. Thank you for your recipe.
I think that should work fine. And please let me know how it goes!
Just made these today! They are really delicious! Thanks for the recipe! Will definitely be making these again.
Thanks so much for your comment Jean! And I’m so glad you liked them too! Happy Baking!!
I have those Wilton pans. They are not for cookies, although they certainly look like they worked great. They are actually used to bake muffin tops.
LOL!! Thanks Erin…I know that now! And yes…they made perfectly round and uniform cookies! Happy Baking!!!
I’ve been searching for this recipe, I use to add 1C of chocolate chips and 1C of brittle chips,I would also use walnuts instead of pecans taste great.
Now I use to make cut out cookies from a recipe my Grandma gave me I’d like to find they were not sugar cookies and they made a huge batch. But what distinguished them from sugar cookie was the Nutmeg and buttermilk in them the nutmeg made a great taste.
Do you know of a Christmas cookie recipe like this?
I’m also looking for a good sweet roll yeast dough for making homemade cinnamon rolls, can you help.?
One more thing I’m looking for a white bread recipe, the one I had from my Mom made 3 loaves reg size, yeast bread.
Thank you for your help all my old recipes were stolen from my storage unit and I had many cherished recipes from my Grandma and my Mom
First of all Pam, I am SO SORRY your recipes were stolen! (Mine are PRICELESS to me!!) Now…about those missing recipes. I think I can help you. Simply Google these words. SUGAR COOKIE NUTMEG BUTTERMILK. I tried that and many recipes popped up! You can use that method for MANY searches of recipes. Just Google the list of ingredients you want to use or that you know are in the dish…and Voila’!! Also Google 3 LOAVES BREAD RECIPE. Bingo! And there are TONS of sweet roll recipes online. I haven’t made any recently. Good luck and let me know how those cookies turn out!
I found your recipe on Pinterest. I love oatmeal cookies, especially when you add all kinds of stuff to them, raisins, nuts, chocolate chips, M&Ms!! The list goes on! Thank for sharing the recipe! I’m headed to check out your blog!
Thanks for your comment Jo Ellen. I hope you’ll check out some of generations of my family recipes. The kitchen is my Happy Place for sure!!
Just made these cookies. Omg! So good. I cut it in half as its just hubby & me. Also I’m never sure how a recipe will turn out & be to our liking. Next time it’ll be the whole batch.
Thanks for the vote of approval Bonnie! I’m so glad you like them! Happy Baking!
Your recipe looks wonderful, I love big batch baking but I can’t imagine baking so many cookies in one go. Can the cookie dough be frozen and baked later?
I believe I’ve frozen them in the past and they’re still delicious! Good Luck and Happy Baking!!!
Great cookie!
But main thing I wanted to say is that I am a 70 year old granny, married 51 years and I just wanted to complement what a pretty woman I think you are in these pictures. No agenda, just a complement. Loved the family pictures also.
Awww…Thank you Becky! Our lives sound so very similar. “Peepaw” and I have been married more than half a century too. Be well and thanks again for your compliment!
Can’t wait to make these. I grew up in Kalona and many of my relatives still live there. Was Amish until I was 2 yrs old. I stop at Stringtown whenever I go to my sisters in Pella. Love Stringtown and their baker makes the very best pies!!! I usually preorder them. That’s where I get my vanilla also. So many great recipes from there.
Thanks for your comment Mary. I use that delicious vanilla in my baking too. Happy Baking!!
I loved your warm, loving remarks about your Mom’s friends and the card party where you got to serve them. I used to love hovering in the background when my mom and her sisters (she had 4 younger sisters and 4 sisters-in-law) would chat about their lives– having babies, their partners, even trashy books they were reading– it was an education!
Aww…Thank you so much for your sweet comment Cynthia! Aren’t those family memories priceless?? Precious…so precious…
Hi the sugar cookie recipe I sent u some time ago it is 4pounds = 8 cups of sugar the flour 5 pounds = 15 cups just trying to make it easy do don’t have to measure yes the crisco is 4cups .they are called old fashioned sugar cookies.. they are so good . I work at a school also a they love them .I freeze the dough that I separate as i want it an then can have a mixture of cookies by baking a few at a time
Thanks for the recipe and this update Linda.
Happy Baking!
Have you ever tried toasting the coconut first.It adds a nice crunch to the cookies.
I haven’t done it with these cookies. But check out my recipe for coconut cream pie on my website. It is an AWESOME recipe!!
I was wondering if I could use regular not quick oatmeal? I have a ton
Hi Terry! Great question! Regular oats should work just fine. Let me know how you like those cookies. And what a great way to use up that oatmeal! 🙂 Happy Baking!
Hot out of the oven and these cookies are as delicious as they are pretty! Thank so much for sharing as these are my new favorite cookies! I love nuts so I added 2 cups of chopped walnuts to my batch. Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Oh Julie, THANK YOU for your kind words! 🙂 I’m so sorry it took so long for my reply, but we were in the process of setting into our winter snowbird nest here in Fort Lauderdale! Enjoy your cookies, and your comment warmed my heart! Happy Baking!!!
These cookies are DANGEROUSLY ADDICTING!!!!! The only negative I have is I probably added a few inches to my waist after discovering these cookies, but I don’t care, they’re WORTH IT!!! My new all time favorite cookie, now ranking higher than chocolate chip cookies! These do have oats & eggs & coconut, so this works as breakfast right?! ;D I made the mistake the 1st time of cutting the recipe in half — not doing that again! Just made my 4th batch. Even I can’t eat all of them at once but these freeze beautifully. I drop them cookie scoop-fuls on parchment or wax paper, wrap individually & freeze until I’m ready for the next batch. This batch I added cashews to, not that it needs anything extra, but thought I’d try — waiting anxiously now for them to cool off so I can gobble them down! THANK YOU Meemaw!!!!!!!
Aww….THANK YOU Kristina! Your comment made me laugh out loud! Let’s just say you are so very welcome for those extra pounds. (I always say never trust a skinny cook…or a skinny baker either!!) 🙂 You made me smile…and I’m sure my dear Mom is also smiling in Heaven since it was her recipe!
BTW…Diets are HIGHLY OVERRATED in MY opinion anyway.
Happy Baking!!
I think big batch baking is a great idea, but I have a small family. Do the cookies freeze well? If so, I’m in. Love the stories behind all these recipes.
Thanks Monica…and so sorry it took me SO LONG to get back to you! Yes…These cookies freeze beautifully!
Happy Baking!!
Thanks you to Kevin and Amish365.com and remember my open invitation for a tour of the area. And check out my Meemaw Eats Facebook page RIGHT NOW to see RAGBRAI pass right through the heart of Kalona. (And that’s even my Grandma’s old building in the background!)