Wing Dingers. I hadn’t thought about that recipe for at least thirty years!
This Covid19 crisis keeps me searching for ways to stay connected. And one afternoon while chatting with a dear old pal (Her name is Marcia…but we call her “Marge”) I asked her what she was making for dinner. She said she was whipping up a batch of Wing Dingers. I asked her to describe her recipe and she began to laugh. Turns out I had given HER that recipe many MANY years ago!
How long have I known “Marge?” Well…our families sat across from each other at church from the time we were born. And we graduated from high school together, and she even worked for me in my cruise travel agency years ago. Heck, we even survived our very own adventure when we spent several months “seeking our fortunes” together in Oregon. Want proof? Here we are. Sitting on the steps of the old house where we rented a tiny upstairs apartment…for $37.50 per month!
Unfortunately jobs were scarce that summer. So we SHARED one waitress job at a country club! Then we headed back to the Heartland…a little older and wiser. But those memories? Priceless!
What The Heck Are Wing Dingers?
After we both stopped laughing about my wing amnesia Marge jogged my memory. I vaguely remembered cutting out that recipe from a cooking column in our local newspaper. So Marge agreed to shoot her copy over to me in a text. After reacquainting myself with the list of ingredients I decided Wing Dingers might be a perfect dish to serve to Peepaw on our next Wine Wednesday Quarantine Happy Hour in our living room.
Every Wednesday evening you’ll find us listening to music, munching on “finger foods” and sipping our favorite beverages while playing cards…at home.
Always at home. We sure do miss our “date nights” at our favorite restaurants and bars. But I’m not sure they would appreciate my current style choices. I used to dress like THIS on Wednesdays.
But these days? Most Wine Wednesdays now find me in pajamas! UGH!! We both miss our social life these days…
But I digress.
Let’s Make Some Wing Dingers!
Stir up the marinade and dump in the chicken wings. Refrigerate for several hours.
I pulled out the wings and lined them up on a rack in a foil lined baking sheet.
While the wings baked I BOILED the marinade for at least five or ten minutes to cook it thoroughly since it had been used with raw chicken.
Then I poured the cooked marinade into a serving dish and pulled those baked wings out of the oven.
I arranged the wings on the platter, along with that cooked marinade that had thickened beautifully.
A perfect sauce for dipping!
Yes…I’m sure glad I had that conversation with Marge. Those wings were a perfect “bar food” to serve on Wine Wednesday.
So whip up a batch of Wing Dingers at YOUR house. No matter what day of the week it might be!

Wing Dingers Baked Chicken Wings
- 1 Pouch Dry Onion Soup Mix
- 1/2 Cup Molasses
- 1/4 Cup Soy Sauce
- 1/4 Cup Taco Sauce
- 1 or 2 tsps Hot Sauce
- 1/2 Cup Lemon Juice
- 18-20 Chicken Wings
Combine all ingredients.
Add chicken wings and toss.
Refrigerate alt least two hours.
Heat oven to 400 degrees.
Remove the wings from the marinade to bake.
BOIL the remaining marinade before basting wings!
I arranged wings on a wire rack and baked at 400 degrees for at least 45 minutes until wings were cooked through, basting several times with the BOILED sauce.. OR...You can bake in a 15 x 10 jelly roll pan in a single layer at 400 degrees for 45 minutes, basting occasionally.
I didn’t know you could boil the marinade after it had been on raw meat! How long to boil? And are these wings hot as in spicy hot?
Great questions! The wings are NOT spicy hot. Sweet, with a tang. And according to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture website…marinades CAN be reused but only if they are VIGOROUSLY BOILED FOR AT LEAST FIVE MINUTES to kill any potential bacteria. I boil longer than that, just to be safe. Or you could also reserve some of the marinade BEFORE adding the raw chicken if you prefer. Let me know how you like them!
I made them tonight, they were great;
Hey Patty! Thanks for letting me know! 🙂 Some of those oldies but goodies need to make a comeback for all of us! In fact I’m about to add another of Mom’s old stand by casseroles to my blog. Stay tuned! Happy Cooking!
Sounds delicious, this sauce sounds good to put on rest of chicken too, not just wings!! 🙂🌹
Thanks Julie! Let me know how you like it!