How many times have you reached for the celery your refrigerator…and THIS is what you find?
But those limp and wilted stalks do NOT have to end up in the garbage.
I’ve got a sure fire remedy. Waste not, want not!
First, cut off the core.
Isn’t it beautiful? Almost too pretty to throw away. And, in fact, some people swear you can regrow celery by saving this root!
Here’s how: poke several holes in the bottom of this pretty flower root using the tip of a sharp knife. Then place the “flower” in a bowl of water, and change the water every day to keep it fresh. In about ten days you should have a new bunch of stalks growing out of the core. You can even plant that baby celery root outside in your garden! (It can take up to five months to grow a new full bunch of celery, so I guess good things can come to those who wait…if you can wait five months.)
Now…back to that those limp ribs in front of you…
Submerge them in ice water! Add plenty of ice cubes, and allow the celery ribs to hang out in that bath for awhile…at least thirty minutes to an hour or two. You can store the bowl in the refrigerator to keep the water cold and to make the ice last longer.
And before you know it…
Here are the very same stalks…saved from the compost heap!
Then the NEXT time you bring fresh celery home from the store, remove it from the plastic bag it came in and wrap it up tightly…
In aluminum foil!
And that fresh celery should STAY fresh and crisp for several weeks. (I may even cut off the base of that stalk before I wrap it up so I can get a jump start on growing another plant.)
Who knew?
I love this!- it has often been my problem- thanks so much for the info
which I will use for sure!!
Thanks so much Linda. Glad I could help.
Like I always say…Waste Not, Want Not!
We have a TV Veggie Pro that takes a vegetable a day and shows something about it and how it can be used, prepared, what you look for. for a good vegetable of that sort . We learn a lot. One of his suggestions that I’ve used ever since I watched his celery prep. was the following. The minute you get home wipe the celery with damp cloth or paper towel, then slice end off and the long stock in a couple of places, or if you prefer to leave it long and then put in a plastic container and it’s ready to go for whatever you want to use it for. I am eating even more celery than I did before because I just unclamp my lid and use immediately. Stays fresh for weeks. (But mine rarely lasts THAT LONG! I also go ahead and chop some on my slicer so it’ll be ready for salads or cooking. I use it much faster.