After our crazy trip home to the Heartland I began to deep clean our house from top to bottom. I just knew I would never be able to sleep if we didn’t deep clean absolutely everything in our home. And thank God for that huge can of Lysol I brought with us from Florida! I sprayed each and every door knob and cupboard handle in the house! My kitchen counters and bathroom floors were scrubbed with a soap and bleach mixture. And I even decided to shine up the thrift store purchased copper pots decorating the wall behind our cooktop!
Rub A Dub Dub…Copper Pots!
I haven’t set foot in any store since the day we returned to Iowa, and I wasn’t about to make a trip to buy copper polish. So I Googled some suggestions online. One suggestion was to smear them with ketchup!
Now I’m all for thinking outside the box, but I wasn’t about to waste a bottle of ketchup on those pots and pans. That’s when I noticed all the various bottles of hot sauce that have accumulated in our cupboard. (And I don’t even LIKE hot sauce!) It seems many folks brought bottles of their favorite sauces to our Hawkeye football tailgates over the years…and left them. So what better way to shine up those copper pots than by smearing on some hot sauce!
I simply shook up that old bottle of sauce and poured it on.
Then I smeared it all over the copper pan with my hand.
I let it sit for a few minutes to soak in, and I rinsed it off with hot water. And check this out!
It worked like magic! Those old thrift store copper pots have never looked shinier!
But here is my question for those of you who love hot sauce. If it takes the tarnish off of copper pots…What do you suppose it does to the inside of YOU?
Food for thought Dear Readers!
i do not like Hot Sauce, but can just imagine what it does, i’ve seen people clean pennies with it as a trick supposedly
LOL! I just can’t imagine what it does to the stomach lining! And I want to taste the food…not the afterburn in my mouth! I work too hard on my recipes to have the flavors overpowered in the end!
But that’s just me! Whatever floats YOUR boat I always say!
Haha. No worry hear. Hot sauce doesn’t touch my lips. But it probably is just like coke used to clean golf clubs
LOL! Sounds like we are two peas in a pod!!