I love red wine…..Cabernet Sauvignon to be specific. But this retired Meemaw does not have the luxury of an unlimited budget for vino, so I was THRILLED when I heard about this hack for turning inexpensive wine into one that tastes like it might have come from a sommelier instead of a drug store!
All you need is…wait for it…
Simply pour in that less-than-stellar bottle of vino.
My favorite inexpensive wine is Trader Joe’s famous “Two Buck Chuck” aka Charles Shaw Cabernet. (OK, so now it’s actually THREE Buck Chuck, what with inflation and all…)
Like I said…Pour it in…
Yes…All of it…Keep pouring…That whole bottle…
Now…Let the MAGIC begin!
Just put on the lid and blend on HIGH for about thirty seconds, then let it “rest” in the blender for a few minutes.
You’ll be amazed at the change that takes place.
The blast of oxygen aerates the wine quickly and helps to break up the cotton-mouth effects of tannins for a smoother finish. The process even has a name – it’s called Hyperdecanting. (Doesn’t that sound FANCY?)
And yes…wine purists will tell you that the heat from the blender motor and the metal blades could also change the taste of the wine. But trust me. My wine doesn’t sit around in my blender long enough for either of those things to happen. (Just sayin’…)
So after that thirty second spin move and a few minutes of resting, simply pour it from the blender into a fancy wine carafe. And, believe me, nobody will ever guess you’re on a “fixed income” when it comes to your wine cellar. (Try it! What have you got to lose?)
tryied it and love it,thanks meemaw!!
I’m glad you tried it Tom! Cheers!
I had heard this before but never tried or believed it. If you say so, I’m a believer.
LOL! Give ut a try Jan! What have you got to lose? After all, you’re uncorking a “cheap” bottle of wine…Remember? ???