No perfume in the world…at ANY price…can rival the scent you’ll experience when you run your hand over the leaves of a rosemary plant. NO perfume. ANYWHERE. And MY Rosemary has survived (and thrived!) for THREE Iowa winters, thanks to sis-in-law Barb who “plant-sits” for me every winter.
Apparently, my Rosemary likes to spend HER winter days perched on the kitchen table next to a window on the farm where I grew up. And she must enjoy the view out that window. Rosemary spends the winter warm and happy inside, yet still close to all the woodland animals and birds that surround the farm. And I’m sure she enjoys the view of the pond my brother lovingly created in the meadow behind the farmhouse. Not a bad place to rest before facing another year being plunked down into my herb garden.
And I’m sure Barb will wave her hand over Rosemary’s leaves once in a while…just to remind herself that winter won’t last forever, but Rosemary’s fantastic scent will provide a teasing reminder of those far-away summer days…
It’s a WIN-WIN for everyone…
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